Unearthly Blooms

Porcelain Dreams

Coming Soon


Museum of Peter’s Art

MoPA is a celebration of past works, a free claim for collectors only to coincide with the anniversary of Blobs. A specially designed 3D-printed Blob is also free for all collectors.

Blob Soldiers

Blob Soldiers is a project that has an anti-war message, the Blobs act as peacekeepers, smothering the soldiers and their weapons rendering them useless. By using ready-made toy soldiers with childhood nostalgia, I wanted it to be playful and convey a message that war should only be for play and not a real thing. War should never be.

This project raised funds for Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal.


Skin Hodlr (or holder) refers to the skull/frame/structure that holds up our skin/flesh/body. I wanted to take something that is hard/strong/stable and transpose it to something that is soft/stretchable and fragile. Giving the sense that the material only has a finite time before it melts/decomposes, a bit like our own body and mind.

100 Blobs

Blobs were featured on Opensea’s front page and sold out within minutes, each Blob is a unique 1/1 with its own blobby shape and texture. It took many months of hard work to complete, I was totally blown away by the success of the launch. Blobs had an instant following and still enjoy the Blob community to this day.

Older Works

A collection of older works, including the Mask, Sludgwalker and Sludgeglobb series.